My Wall
Angels and Fools
The line between offering the protection of an angel and rushing in like a fool is a simply a matter of perspective. Of course, you are going in; you see the need and are determined to make a difference. Are you one of the few, the angels, willing to put some skin in…
When the Battles Come to Us
This happens every day. Everything in your world is running smoothly. Your bank account is flush; your kids are over achieving, you just got a promotion with a big fat raise and a company plane. You are enjoying a Carmel Latte with that special someone. You look into…
Zest and Zeal – Enthusiasm and Passion for a Life Thats Full
Does your zest and enthusiasm for a life that’s full still run deep? Do you have the zeal and the passion for keeping it real? If so, I’m glad you’re here. It’s difficult to accept boundaries and limitations that are a byproduct of events and circumstances beyond our…
MOJO Returns – The Paradox of the Sabbatical
Our mojo is back. The power that may seem magical and that allows us to be very effective and successful is back. The sizzle to which others have grown accustomed has returned and they take notice. Now, what; do I make an announcement to reassure the markets and the…
I Am a Writer
I am a writer! There, I said it. I am a writer! How do I know? Where did I get my credentials? From which institution did I obtain my certification? Who gave me the right to lay claim to the title? All valid questions that I will address in due time. I am a writer….
All Things Light and Fluffy – Bands on the Beach, Silent Disco and the Sounds of Summer.
This week, I was asked by my lovely wife to write about something light and fluffy. At first, I was taken aback by her request. Isn’t going into battle against rogue trolls considered light and fluffy? Isn’t questioning the Almighty light and fluffy? Since when is…