My Wall
What Trolls Do You Need To Vanquish
What Trolls do you need to vanquish? Once thought only to exist in children’s fairy tales are in fact very real. Their intent is to destroy, their method is by inciting fear, their primary tactic is to get us to believe they are bigger and stronger than we are. What…
Welcome to My Sandbox
My current neurologist framed his first question at my first appointment this way, “Why are you here.” Of course there was the customary “welcome” that I was expecting but this question came across as a bit esoteric. After all, that’s not the question that I’m asked…
Beware Of the DoDo at Your Door
This week, we are going to take a break from our normal programing so that I can introduce you to another one of my projects. Welcome to Musings after Midnight, an eclectic mix of shorts written during the early morning hours; the part of the day when my thoughts are…
What Would You Fight For?
What would you fight for? It’s not just a rhetorical question, or a 60-second infomercial, posed by my Alma Mater during football season on a typical Saturday afternoon. It’s meant to challenge our response to the unmet needs in our neighborhood, our nation, and…
How to Leave a Legacy That Matters
How can we leave a legacy that matters if our focus when we get out of bed is to go to work, come home and do chores; rinse and repeat? Not much excitement in any of that, is there? This morning, I am hard pressed to answer that specific question. What would our…
Time to Celebrate The Death of a Dream
The lime-light is not a place where I go to find comfort. I am out of my element on a stage wired up with a “lavalier”. I pride myself on self-sufficiency so the luxury of someone making all my travel plans for me, is still a bit awkward. These gestures of…