RAW ~ Reality Always Wins

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World Domination and Other Sacred Cows

World Domination and Other Sacred Cows

A lofty goal, who could argue! This year, I resolve to advance the message, one day at a time, that our lives can be exceptional. Done! Ambiguous enough to give me a compelling reason to get out of bed each day yet it leaves ample space for repentance in the case of…

Parkinson’s Still Sucks

Ten months later my wife’s sentiments are the same, Parkinson’s still sucks; but wait there must be more. There has to be more. Otherwise, I could just do a quick copy-paste, add a few paragraph breaks, insert yet another picture of the wonder pup and we could go back…

Rethinking Normalcy

Defining normal. That’s an easy exercise; just enter the word in a text box on and, like magic, a definition will appear. Striving to be normal is much more complicated. But is that even a worthy goal? Since I started writing these posts under the…

A Season of Joy

This is the season of joy not because there will be something that I have always wanted under the tree as if I were an anxious pre-teen expecting his or her first cell phone. There is some speculation as to whether even I made the good list; eating so much ice cream…

Beyond Thankful

Beyond Thankful

The word thankful doesn’t adequately express my gratefulness to the One who can heal. I am looking for a word that conjurors up the notion that there is something beyond thankful. I have been blessed this past year in many ways, some of which I already shared with…

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

More than a great line from a favorite movie, it’s a mindset to make today matter. One translation put it “seize the day; put very little trust in tomorrow.” Carpe Diem. Seize the day! But to what end? Fame and fortune? For purpose? For legacy? For pleasure? A tall…

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