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Merry Christmas…

Dear Family and Friends, Christmas is here! On behalf of my family, I would like extend our Christmas greetings to you and yours. From Our Family… To begin, it has been an emotional and exhausting year for Lisa as she had to re-order her priorities so that she and her...

The Trouble With Bubbles – Tis The Season

The Trouble With Bubbles – Tis The Season

Have they been good enough or are they still on the bubble? This is the time of year that our kids tell us what they want for making the good list. As their parents, we weigh their behavior over the last 30 days or so and we ask ourselves, have they been good enough...

Chaos and Order ~ Can We Have One Without the Other

Chaos, if someone would ask me to come up with a single word that could summarize our entire year, that word would be chaos. For a lot of reasons, I don’t think that we are alone. Were you consumed by events that made you feel like you are not in control of your life?...

Why its Important to Live a Life of Gratitude

"What are you thankful for?" Do you remember when you were in grade school and the teacher would put you on the spot with this question? Were you that kid who would raise his hand sheepishly and say, “I am thankful for turkeys.” Was that your answer? Maybe you were...

My Top 10 Reasons Why My Life Should Make You Jealous

Once again, I deviated from the “All things Light and Fluffy” theme that I had going for a week and a half. My reason to do so was valid, but today I need to stay on point. I have a mandate; I get no more than 500-words and to keep it “light and fluffy.” So here goes:...

How to Regain Control of Your Ticks

How to Regain Control of Your Ticks

Yes, you can still find them, but it is getting harder! Ticks more specifically, a clock that ticks. There is a sense of permanence in the sound of a ticking  clock. I haven’t heard that sound in years but earlier this week, the rhythmic sound emanating from the...

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