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I’ll have my eggs ‘over ordinary.’

I’ll have my eggs ‘over ordinary.’

There is no such thing as an ordinary Man." C. S. Lewis ~ Athiest, Reluctant Convert, Apologist. above ordinary man. Fly-over Country It’s a daily occurrence; some where between the coasts, the left and the other left, most men attempt to answer a variation of this...

Remorse ~ the Cost of Thanksgiving

Remorse ~ the Cost of Thanksgiving

“ I swear on my Mother’s grave that I thought turkeys could fly.”
~Mr. Carlson – WKRP in Cincinnati

Are you looking forward to getting together with family and friends to give thanks but lament that the voice of reason in public discourse is all but gone?

Who are You…Who?

Who are You…Who?

 Tell me, who are you…I really want to know.  R. Daltery, P. Townsend, J Entwistle. ~ pinball wizards. Shifts in the stages and the onslaught of corresponding major interruptions that follow, can entice us to pause and re-think the stuff we hoard and the relationships...

Through Ivy’s Eyes ~Smarter than a 5th Grader

Through Ivy’s Eyes ~Smarter than a 5th Grader

Therapy Dog for Hire I hope this collar doesn’t make me look fat. He has to understand that I am not as young as I used to be. I opted for the black leather one with the spikes to compliment my yoga pants. That look takes me back to the good old days. Not to brag or...

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