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It must be my turn to start a new chapter in my life. It’s starting to feel like a whole new book. This week, Lisa and I will be spending the week in Portland, Oregon at the World’s Parkinson’s Congress as the guest of US World Meds. I have been invited to be a Patient Advocate, which means that I am a patient that will be telling my story with respect to the positive benefits of the drug Apokyn that I have been taking for almost a year and a half. It’s a great company, with an exceptional product, and I am thrilled to be given the opportunity to provide a real-life story of success.

This is the extent of our post this week due to our travels to Portland. It was my intent to have Bob, who I introduced you to several months ago, fill in as a guest blogger, but he had other commitments; something about getting fitted for a new super suit.

Please stop by next week for an update.

Parkinson’s still sucks, using Lisa’s terms, but I am fortunate that I get to live a nearly normal life with the help of modern medicine prescribed by physicians that are at the forefront of their field. There is hope for those that are inflicted with PD; in fact, a lot of hope and a lot of scientific advancements with more coming every day. I get to be the vehicle to those that may need to hear, or in this case see, evidence that normalcy is attainable; just don’t give up searching for it. I get to be one of the people who delivers the message of hope.

Who ever said that the life of an accountant is boring!

Thanks for reading, liking and sharing

Al and his faithful caregiver.

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