by Al Van Dyk | Feb 19, 2017 | Pivot Points
How can we leave a legacy that matters if our focus when we get out of bed is to go to work, come home and do chores; rinse and repeat? Not much excitement in any of that, is there? This morning, I am hard pressed to answer that specific question. What would our legacy be if we committed to do what is right each day, and to string all those days together? Would we leave a legacy that matters?
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by Al Van Dyk | Feb 12, 2017 | Pivot Points
The lime-light is not a place where I go to find comfort. I am out of my element on a stage wired up with a “lavalier”. I pride myself on self-sufficiency so the luxury of someone making all my travel plans for me, is still a bit awkward. These gestures of appreciation served as another gentle reminder that it’s time to celebrate the death of a dream.
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by Al Van Dyk | Feb 7, 2017 | Vault
What started out as an attempt to show my friends that lean left of center on environmental issues that I too had a soft spot for the trees and vegetation that is around us, turned into a small medical emergency. For far too long I have been silent when it comes to saving the planet. Today, marked my first attempt to share the love with the vegetation that surrounds us. But today, it didn’t love me back. Nature had left its mark.
I walked up to the largest saguaro that I could find, at least that wasn’t encircled with signs that read No Trespassing. I gave it a hug, instantly, a sense of purpose overcame me. It was as if this giant cactus was smiling, or maybe laughing, at me. Cacti need love too. It was a euphoric experience. I was on to the next.
But not everything that glistens is beautiful. I just wanted to get a picture, one to share with my friends. I could almost hear it calling my name, “Come here, I don’t bite”. I just couldn’t resist, just a picture that’s all I wanted. Lisa was egging me on, “Get closer, so I can get it in the picture.” With her iPhone in hand, she instructed me to crouch down next to it, within an instant it was over. Now digitized, my encounter with a cactus a.k.a., The Dirty Blonde of the Desert, is forever a part of my story.
I know why they
call it a Teddybear, soft colors that looked so inviting. I swear that I never touched it, but the spines of the Teddybear Cholla attached themselves to my sweater. I was in shock. I just wanted to show it some love, clearly this cactus had no love to share. Once attached, I couldn’t get it to let go. I tried to shake it off, but it jumped to my wrist, then on to my forefinger, finally lodging itself in just above the knuckle. Barbed spines embedded in my fingers, all the while, I hear a maniacal laugh…a maniacal laugh…#cactilivesmatter.
Love from Taliesin West
One of Frank Lloyd Writes Architectural Marvels
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by Al Van Dyk | Feb 5, 2017 | Pivot Points
The movie, the one with Bill Murray bearing the title, epitomizes in far too many ways the lives that we live. We get up in the morning, turn on the news and to our surprise we will see some variation of this headline, “The Left Hates the Right, the Right Fights Back”. The talking heads demand they be treated as though they are witty, relevant and, pardon me while I choke this one back, loved. In reality, they are merely perpetuating yet another Groundhogs Day.
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by Al Van Dyk | Feb 1, 2017 | Attitude is Everything
Do you dream as big as you once did? Of sailing around the world, of finding a cure for cancer or of writing the next great novel? Or are your dreams getting smaller and now miniaturized versions of those from the past? Even worse did your dreams become a casualty of seeing the world as it really is? The sad reality is that dreams die every day, and with their passing comes anguish and a sense of despair. Well, there is hope! That despair can be replaced with a sense of purpose and renewed passion.
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