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Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

There was something that was missing, unfinished business, that stands to be corrected. Sunday night came and went. But nothing, I was at a loss, not by the unfolding of the political events that had transpired in the two days prior, but by the angst and the fury that was seething from those I know, or thankfully in some cases, only know of.


How to Keep Our Dreams Alive

How to Keep Our Dreams Alive

Most people never chase their dreams and even fewer dare speak of them. We may share them with those closest to us, but to pursue them, that’s different. Pursuit is an action that is public nature, open to the scrutiny of others. Most of us would prefer to hold our cards close to us out of fear of the unknown, fear of rejection or, even in a strange way, fear of success. It’s important to keep our dreams alive because they are unique to us and they are part of us. And if we allow a dream to die, a part of us will die with it. A dream will never die in silence. What can we do to keep our dreams alive?


Grace Abounds – This Golden’s Rule

It abounds, grace – Grace abounds. Have you ever heard of that expression? We all know what grace means, especially when we need it. We think of mercy, a pardon, or a temporary reprieve from experiencing the consequences of our actions. Like the last time I ruined yet another new shirt by forgetting to take the ink pens out of the pocket before it went through the wash. Yet, we are unsure of the definition when it is asked of us. Suddenly, we think of grace only as that short prayer before a meal.


World Domination and Other Sacred Cows

World Domination and Other Sacred Cows

A lofty goal, who could argue! This year, I resolve to advance the message, one day at a time, that our lives can be exceptional. Done! Ambiguous enough to give me a compelling reason to get out of bed each day yet it leaves ample space for repentance in the case of failure. Exceptional at what? I have just given myself permission to “turn pro” at eating ice cream or become more resourceful in avoiding exercise, in the theme of time management, allowing me to forego the need to buy new athletic shoes. No, I am not going to write about goal setting techniques or time management skills. Thought leaders on those subjects are plentiful – only a brave few speak on world domination, hypothetically speaking of course. That soapbox is wide open.


Parkinson’s Still Sucks

Ten months later my wife’s sentiments are the same, Parkinson’s still sucks; but wait there must be more. There has to be more. Otherwise, I could just do a quick copy-paste, add a few paragraph breaks, insert yet another picture of the wonder pup and we could go back to bed. After all it is 4:30 on a Sunday morning. There has to be some other place I would rather be!


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