by Al Van Dyk | Dec 11, 2016 | Attitude is Everything
Defining normal. That’s an easy exercise; just enter the word in a text box on and, like magic, a definition will appear. Striving to be normal is much more complicated. But is that even a worthy goal? Since I started writing these posts under the moniker, the tag line has always been Striving for Normalcy While Living with Parkinson’s. I am now convinced that I set the bar far too low. It’s time to rethink the notion that normalcy is the gold standard.
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by Al Van Dyk | Dec 4, 2016 | Attitude is Everything
This is the season of joy not because there will be something that I have always wanted under the tree as if I were an anxious pre-teen expecting his or her first cell phone. There is some speculation as to whether even I made the good list; eating so much ice cream may have put me back on the bubble. It will be a season of joy because this year I have been able to recognize that I have been blessed in so many unimaginable ways.
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by Al Van Dyk | Nov 27, 2016 | Attitude is Everything
The word thankful doesn’t adequately express my gratefulness to the One who can heal. I am looking for a word that conjurors up the notion that there is something beyond thankful. I have been blessed this past year in many ways, some of which I already shared with you. But wait, there’s more!
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by Al Van Dyk | Nov 20, 2016 | Attitude is Everything
More than a great line from a favorite movie, it’s a mindset to make today matter. One translation put it “seize the day; put very little trust in tomorrow.” Carpe Diem. Seize the day! But to what end? Fame and fortune? For purpose? For legacy? For pleasure? A tall order with broad implications; Carpe Diem!
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by Al Van Dyk | Nov 13, 2016 | Attitude is Everything
I find that early in the morning is the best time of day to wrestle with the big questions. I have drawn a line in the sand; anything before 4:00 am is still nighttime but after 4:00 am is the morning. Regardless of which side of the line I’m on, most every morning I find myself where I prefer not to be; on the couch with my mind racing. Still, in a very strange way, it has become one of my favorite times of the day.
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