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An Unrelenting Spirit

How does that old adage go, the spirit is willing…? But an unrelenting spirit can bring a host of problems of its own. At times, I forget that there are certain realities that I should take into consideration before I tackle a home improvement project; such as the fact I am in my mid-50’s and that I am an accountant, have been for more than a decade, and that I am no longer in construction.


A Silent Disco

A Silent Disco

Now would be a good time to confess that my wife Lisa and I don’t get out much and apparently we have been living in a cave of sorts. After all, who ever heard of a Silent Disco? The words alone conjure up images of the 70’s, big hair and leisure suits come to mind. But that’s what was on our invitation to a neighborhood July 4th party; food, a live band, fireworks and a Silent Disco. Sure, we could have Googled it, but that might have dissuaded us from going. Lisa thought it sounded like fun, and she is more adventuresome than I when it comes to all things social, so I had little choice in the matter.


How to Avoid Wandering Elephants

How to Avoid Wandering Elephants

In an episode of Shark Tank, one of my favorite shows, the entrepreneurs were seeking funding to bring to market a stuffed elephant in a glass box that could offer a lead in for people who wanted to discuss awkward or uncomfortable subjects but were unsure how to begin. If someone wanted to start a conversation, they could remove the elephant from the box to signify that there was an elephant in the room. Fortunately, the investors are called Sharks for a reason. At the risk of spoiling the ending for you if you haven’t seen this episode, it’s safe to say the entrepreneurs will have to go it alone if they want to see wandering elephants in living rooms across America. (more…)

Like my Father

I am nothing like my father, at least that is what I tell myself. My kids probably think otherwise, just ask my younger daughter. “You’re a mean old man who doesn’t like kids!” she once yelled with her hands on her hips, for emphasis I presume. Just as a point of clarification, this was about 15-years ago and she was around seven or eight. Needless to say, at the time I got quite a chuckle out of it. I am nothing like my father; I wasn’t old!




Whether you can relate to a man in black, a Vicar of Christ or a Grammy winning rocker whose career spanned three decades, if you have Parkinson’s, you are in good company. Each of these men and women lived with this incurable disease, yet they lived their lives with passion and a purpose. You probably can identify each of these individuals without me giving out their names. The artist that sang Folsom Prison Blues and Ring of Fire suffered from PD, but that isn’t how we remember him, is it? We remember him as a talented, and at times, tormented artist with deep rich tones in his voice. How would you want to be remembered?


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