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I am still humbled by the many different ways that Lisa demonstrates patience and compassion. I don’t know if she knows that I am watching but I am. A kind gesture, a listening ear; it’s no wonder that there are always people in our house that are drawn to her. She has the ability to look past the hurt in others to make them feel that everything will be all right. It really is amazing to watch. She has a way of helping others see beauty in their brokenness.

More times than I care to admit, I am the beneficiary of her special abilities. I make no bones about it; patience is not one of my spiritual gifts. I may be miles ahead of where I was just a few years back, but still I live in her shadow. As expected, neurodegenerative conditions have a way of changing people. She is in tune to what I am experiencing without having to say a word. She still sees beauty in me.

Last night we attended a wedding for the daughter of one of Lisa’s closest friends. When the bride and groom exchanged vows, you know the part “for better or worse, in sickness and in health” I had to squeeze Lisa’s hand just a little harder; it was just my subtle way to say thank you for seeing the beauty in my…

This week’s post will be a little short. I am taking my lovely wife on a date; a bike ride to the ice cream store. No Ivy doesn’t get to go; she can’t keep up.

Until next week.

Thanks for reading, liking and sharing.

Al and his faithful sidekick Ivy the wonder pup.

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