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Grace Abounds – This Golden’s Rule

It abounds, grace – Grace abounds. Have you ever heard of that expression? We all know what grace means, especially when we need it. We think of mercy, a pardon, or a temporary reprieve from experiencing the consequences of our actions. Like the last time I ruined yet another new shirt by forgetting to take the ink pens out of the pocket before it went through the wash. Yet, we are unsure of the definition when it is asked of us. Suddenly, we think of grace only as that short prayer before a meal.


My First Love!

I love my wife in more ways than my words can express. But Lisa isn’t my first love. Before her, I had another love, but it was the kind of love that can’t love you back. I was in love with the idea of making money.


Through Ivy’s Eyes

Through Ivy’s Eyes

“They seem to have been gone for a long time; longer than usual.”  With no one to wake up in the morning, she is less motivated to get on with her day. She started to adapt to their absence; sleeping in a little longer and spending time in her crate even when the door was open. She was just not herself, milling around the house looking for something to grab out of the laundry to carry around to remind herself of them.  From Ivy’s perspective, they have been gone for almost two months. Dogs are not meant to be alone.


Beauty in Brokenness

I am still humbled by the many different ways that Lisa demonstrates patience and compassion. I don’t know if she knows that I am watching but I am. A kind gesture, a listening ear; it’s no wonder that there are always people in our house that are drawn to her. She has the ability to look past the hurt in others to make them feel that everything will be all right. It really is amazing to watch. She has a way of helping others see beauty in their brokenness.


A Silent Disco

A Silent Disco

Now would be a good time to confess that my wife Lisa and I don’t get out much and apparently we have been living in a cave of sorts. After all, who ever heard of a Silent Disco? The words alone conjure up images of the 70’s, big hair and leisure suits come to mind. But that’s what was on our invitation to a neighborhood July 4th party; food, a live band, fireworks and a Silent Disco. Sure, we could have Googled it, but that might have dissuaded us from going. Lisa thought it sounded like fun, and she is more adventuresome than I when it comes to all things social, so I had little choice in the matter.


How to Avoid Wandering Elephants

How to Avoid Wandering Elephants

In an episode of Shark Tank, one of my favorite shows, the entrepreneurs were seeking funding to bring to market a stuffed elephant in a glass box that could offer a lead in for people who wanted to discuss awkward or uncomfortable subjects but were unsure how to begin. If someone wanted to start a conversation, they could remove the elephant from the box to signify that there was an elephant in the room. Fortunately, the investors are called Sharks for a reason. At the risk of spoiling the ending for you if you haven’t seen this episode, it’s safe to say the entrepreneurs will have to go it alone if they want to see wandering elephants in living rooms across America. (more…)

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