by Al Van Dyk | Jun 19, 2016 | Family and Friends
I am nothing like my father, at least that is what I tell myself. My kids probably think otherwise, just ask my younger daughter. “You’re a mean old man who doesn’t like kids!” she once yelled with her hands on her hips, for emphasis I presume. Just as a point of clarification, this was about 15-years ago and she was around seven or eight. Needless to say, at the time I got quite a chuckle out of it. I am nothing like my father; I wasn’t old!
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by Al Van Dyk | May 19, 2016 | Family and Friends
A few weeks ago, I introduced you to our new Golden Retriever puppy Ivy. This little thing is so adorable it can make the heart of a longshoreman melt. When I look at her, I think that this spectacular animal is what God had in mind when he created animals on the fifth day. I have to believe that He was referring to the Golden when he said that what he saw “was good.” But now would be a good time to disclose that I am a dog person. This is our forth dog since we have been married, and our second Golden. The other two just served as reminders of what a great dog can be. But we also have a cat; actually, my daughter has a cat, we just have custody. His coloring is striking, nice personality, for a cat that is. It, too, is a stunning animal. Another example of God’s handy work on display. My oldest daughter has a pet rabbit, an attractive animal but not very engaging. The Creator was busy on the fifth day; each in their own way, is a magnificent representation of His imagination.
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by Al Van Dyk | May 8, 2016 | Family and Friends
It will be 19 years on Christmas day when you left the constraints of your earthly body and entered into the presence of the Great Physician. We all miss you. A lot has changed since your passing. Your granddaughters are all grown up, both finished college and are starting their own adult lives. No tattoos or DUI’s; we are so proud of them. I have a son that you never met. He will be 14-years old this summer; very social, extremely out-going, with a gentle heart. You would love him. Lisa is still keeping me in my place; she tells me when I am acting like dad. Over the years, she tried to make the donuts and the bread that you used to make, but they didn’t turn out as good as yours. Still, I have a great life.
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by Al Van Dyk | May 2, 2016 | Family and Friends
My family thought
that I needed a companion, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Ivy, a 10-week old golden retriever. She looks harmless now, but I think that she will grow up to be a force to be reckoned with.
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by Al Van Dyk | May 2, 2016 | Family and Friends
You may know him better by his alter ego, Bob. If it can happen to Bob, it can happen to anyone. To what “it” am I referring? Life happens, indiscriminately it to the best of us when we least expect it. It’s easy to think that the good times will never end, that the bank account will never run dry, or our vitality will never wane. But life can be fickle, can’t it? So who is Bob? For starters, there is a little of “Bob” in all of us.
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by Al Van Dyk | Apr 18, 2016 | Family and Friends
One person’s treasure is another person’s dumpster fodder. My 13-year old son thinks that I’m a hoarder; in some respects I may be. After all, I have books older than him, and no I don’t know why I would have saved my textbooks for that long.
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