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Time to Celebrate The Death of a Dream

Time to Celebrate The Death of a Dream

The lime-light is not a place where I go to find comfort. I am out of my element on a stage wired up with a “lavalier”. I pride myself on self-sufficiency so the luxury of someone making all my travel plans for me, is still a bit awkward. These gestures of appreciation served as another gentle reminder that it’s time to celebrate the death of a dream.


Living Groundhog’s Day

Living Groundhog’s Day

The movie, the one with Bill Murray bearing the title, epitomizes in far too many ways the lives that we live. We get up in the morning, turn on the news and to our surprise we will see some variation of this headline, “The Left Hates the Right, the Right Fights Back”. The talking heads demand they be treated as though they are witty, relevant and, pardon me while I choke this one back, loved. In reality, they are merely perpetuating yet another Groundhogs Day.


Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

There was something that was missing, unfinished business, that stands to be corrected. Sunday night came and went. But nothing, I was at a loss, not by the unfolding of the political events that had transpired in the two days prior, but by the angst and the fury that was seething from those I know, or thankfully in some cases, only know of.


The Quester

What kind of journey are you on? Will it take you to far-away places full of excitement and adventure? Or are your explorations that of introspection and renewal? Is it your intent to reach an exotic locale that can be pinpointed on a map or come to a place that is transformative and life-changing? Are you on a journey or are you on a quest?


High School?

Why would anyone what me to speak to impressionable young minds? High schoolers, none the less. Don’t they know that my GPA in high school was lower than the price of a fountain drink at Speedway!  I barely passed the easy classes, like art and physical education, that should have boosted my grades not send them deeper in the tank. I was smart, or so I was told, I just didn’t do the work, any work.


Rock Stars

Rock Stars

Rock SteadyOf all of the things that I aspired to be while growing up, a rock star was not one of them. Fire fighter or astronaut, maybe when I was young; an entrepreneur and business owner, done that; a boxer and a tribe builder are both yet to be realized. But who we are, or what we do, is quite different from how we are treated or made to feel.


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