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Congratulations, I understand that you took your leap of faith? Are you ready? Today is the first day of many; pace yourself. I volunteered to be your tour guide, and mentor if you choose, to encourage you every step of the way. Let us begin by stating the obvious — it’s scary out here. And you are also correct if you noticed that the safety net is not as big as you thought it would be. Remember, it’s not meant to be a hammock.

Stairs to where?

Today is the first of many that you will experience conflicting emotions simultaneously that you never thought you would experience. I can assure you; it is normal and healthy. We just took our first step in claiming something ours.


We can care for our needs, and chart our future better than someone else can. Bold statement, divisive and antagonistic in some respects, powerful and assertive in others. We are in good company. This nation is rooted in this same principle. You will find this quote in the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.


Yes, that sense of fear that overwhelms you at times is healthy, something we will learn not to extinguish, but to harness. It will become the incentive that we will use to make that contact with someone we don’t know, agree to work that will stretch us and become the catalyst to do so many things we would never have previously considered.


Does a sense of fear drive you that every meal from this point forward will be a variation of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese? It could be worse; think Ramen Noodles. Equate the empty stomach to your trainer and the barren pantry to your life coach. Just because that is how it appears to be right now, is not how it will always be. Relax, it’s not permanent.


We have what it takes to do this. We had the strength to endure what we experienced in the past for longer than we should have. All was meant to prepare us for this day, for this chapter in our life. We bring to the table a unique perspective, evident to us, obscure to others. Now is the time that we need to trust our instincts, those same instincts that we relied upon so many times before.


For now, the rear view mirror is not our friend. It frames the reality of the past into a neat little picture with boundaries that were respected, stripping from it the noise that was deafening and the chaos that ubiquitous. Sadly, the past is also home to the memories of our friends. Some will encourage us, some may follow, but many will remain. Maybe our paths may cross again, but if not, remember them for the friends that they are and always will be.


We broke free from what was holding us back from how we see ourselves, no small task in itself. We like our security; it provides cover to buy nice things, to wear nice clothes and to dine in fine restaurants. In due time, we will reclaim that sense of security, but it will be solidified in our desire and abilities to perform, to advise and to lead. We relish the opportunity to engage the marketplace on our terms with what we have to offer in our unique way.


Do not forget to breathe. As long as we remember to breathe; we have a fighting chance. After all, that all we can expect, correct? Do you still believe it? Or are you beginning to regret your daring escape? We can go back if you prefer. Forward it is.

You will notice that time passes very quickly and your day will feel very short. That’s the sign that you are on the right track. You didn’t want it to end because you had so much more that you want to accomplish.

Congratulations, we just made it through our first day. I hope it met your expectations. I will be back tomorrow — same time. Send me a text if you need me, I will probably be up anyway.

Thanks for reading, liking, and sharing,

Ivy thinks that tomorrow should be “Take your Golden Retriever to Work Day.” She always dreamed of becoming a professional mascot. You might be on to something Ivy; if you were to become our mascot, your expenses would be tax deductible.

Al and his faithful, and tax-conscious sidekick, Ivy the wonder pup.

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