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Was there a lesson that I missed that I should have learned from the battlefield? Did I gloat too soon? Was I too quick to claim victory? Did I experience my first defeat? This is not my first rodeo, I have been here before. And suspect I will be here again. It’s time to rid my life of these Trolls once and for all. Nothing extinguishes a troll’s spirit more completely than laughter, and nothing crushes his ego more that a smile. Today is about finding humor in the annoying and laugher in the mundane.

The Battle – The Enemy Returns

Good morning, welcome to the third watch, the hours between Midnight and 3:00A.M. It was a surprise attack. This minion, one stronger, more resourceful than the last, was sent to finish the job started by an underling. I was taken by surprise. He resorted to a less common tactic. Trolls and their minions are not known for their sobriety in these earliest of hours. This is their time even when they’re well-past inebriated, while spirits flow freely, to share their exaggerated tales of victory.

Sometimes the adversary can be dispensed quickly other times he will leave a mark. This morning was such a morning. He struck first, it began with an early evening nightmare, uncommon but not unprecedented. Now that the fight has begun, blow for blow, it will last for hours. He is fighting for pride, I for survival. That in itself will all but insure his defeat, for my “why” is much stronger than his. While the battle is still waging, I claimed the victory to be mine.

Accessing Your Inner Tzu

Before his victory can be secured, he will share a growler of stale beer with a comrade; a mistake that will leave him vulnerable at an inopportune time. Sun Tzu, a Chinese General and philosopher that lived around 500 BC, has these words of wisdom that I should have shared with my adversary;

“To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hand, but the opportunity to be defeated is provided by the enemy himself.”

The enemy has been lured by the deception that I had accepted defeat as inevitable. It was just another diversionary tactic to lull my adversary into a sense of security. The fate that awaits him is one that he will not expect.

Citing Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception. When able to attack, we must seem unable…hold out bait to entice the enemy. Feign disorder and crush him.” And again, “ A soldier’s spirit is keenest in the morning…and in the evening, his mind is bent only on returning to camp.”

Today, even in the midst of battle, these words from Sun Tzu ring true. Victory comes in many forms but this morning my victory is the ability to engage in battle. That’s all I ask. Just staying in the fight gives reason to celebrate; it is at this early hour that I share my message of hope.

To battle such a worthy opponent is invigorating; but to give up ground and grant him a token win, would be unwise. If I yield today, tomorrow he will return even stronger, embolden by his foothold, he will bring all the resources he has at his disposal. If he does, the balance of power may shift and the outcome will be less certain

Rewards go to The Victor

Another victory to savor will soon be in hand. Why the certainty? What is the source of the confidence? Sun Tzu writes, “…In order to kill the enemy, [our men] must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.”

Soon he will be overpowered, bound with zip-ties and duct tape, and packaged like the toxic waste that he is. He will be returned to the Troll with this sticky note stapled to his forehead, “Is this the best you have? Try Zip Recruiter for all your staffing needs.”

Lessons From the Battlefield

While the imagery is mythical, the battle is real. Until a cure is found, the battles will continue. These lessons learned from the battlefield, from those that have already engaged the enemy and prevailed, can be shared freely with those that are just entering fray.

~ Be certain of your why, to forget will lead to your demise.
~ Know your enemy and know your self.
~ Exploit your opponents weaknesses before the enemy exploits yours.
~ A strong army can provided strength and protection.
~ Keep your weapons sharp and your firearms clean.
~ Use all Heaven has to offer and earth has provided to your advantage.

The Reward for My Anger

My reward, is a full life with my wife, my family and friends; one that is mine to enjoy. No Troll or his minions will be able to take it away. If they want it, they are going to have to pry it from my cold dead hands. I can assure you, that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

Thanks for reading, liking and sharing,

Al and his faithful, but currently sleeping sidekick, Ivy the wonder pup.

Based on the sounds she is making, she must be dreaming of T-bone steak and cookie dough ice cream.

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