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IvyA few weeks ago, I introduced you to our new Golden Retriever puppy Ivy. This little thing is so adorable it can make the heart of a longshoreman melt. When I look at her, I think that this spectacular animal is what God had in mind when he created animals on the fifth day. I have to believe that He was referring to the Golden when he said that what he saw “was good.” But now would be a good time to disclose that I am a dog person. This is our forth dog since we have been married, and our second Golden. The other two just served as reminders of what a great dog can be. But we also have a cat; actually, my daughter has a cat, we just have custody. His coloring is striking, nice personality, for a cat that is. It, too, is a stunning animal. Another example of God’s handy work on display. My oldest daughter has a pet rabbit, an attractive animal but not very engaging. The Creator was busy on the fifth day; each in their own way, is a magnificent representation of His imagination.

This week, I needed a reminder of His goodness and His omnipotence. Around the corner walked Ivy. It was as if He was saying, “See, I am real. I made this beautiful puppy that you enjoy, the gorgeous sunset you see at night and I gave you the ability to get up each day.” So today, I am a little embarrassed that I occasionally, in the midst of my challenges, have to ask for reminders that I have it so good. My memory is about as long as that of our new puppy; I forget that I have it better than I deserve. Who would have thought that the messenger would come in the form of a 12-pound bundle of blonde fur that can’t hold its bladder?

Ivy, welcome to our family.

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