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“They seem to have been gone for a long time; longer than usual.”  With no one to wake up in the morning, she is less motivated to get on with her day. She started to adapt to their absence; sleeping in a little longer and spending time in her crate even when the door was open. She was just not herself, milling around the house looking for something to grab out of the laundry to carry around to remind herself of them.  From Ivy’s perspective, they have been gone for almost two months. Dogs are not meant to be alone.

The Wonder PupIvy, our six-month old golden retriever, was feeling a little lost those days. Her people were on vacation and she missed them. Even with no concept of time, she knew that last week has been different. Gracious neighbors came by and took care of Ivy, my sister even took her on a field trip back to her house to play with her dog. Still, Ivy wanted what was missing from her world. But it is as if she is beginning to create a new normal without them. Some habits are entertaining, while others more destructive. Boredom and a lack of companionship will do that.

I, on the other hand, except for a change in eating habits, fared pretty well. Of course, I had to alter my life style; less time watching the HSN and more time watering flowers. No crises that required a trip to the urgent care. It has been quite a while since I lived alone; my son was surprised when he learned that I had for about six years. He didn’t think that I could still do it. Years ago, I was good at it, or so I thought. My refrigerator and stove were always clean, empty but clean. Still, it takes time to adjust to a quiet house, quiet with the exception of a rambunctious puppy and an antagonistic cat that is. I didn’t get the things done I was hoping to but I was able to pick-up a book and read a bit. Still, dogs aren’t meant to be alone and she had me to keep her company.

I have grown rather attached to Ivy in such a short time but golden retrievers will do that to you. They become a part of the family. It was not my idea to get another dog. I was perfectly content going on dog-less walks. But I was overruled and was told that I needed the companionship and they were right. She has been a great addition to our family, even when she doesn’t make it all the way outside.

Saturday night, the wonder pup was reunited with her people and all was back the way it should be in her world. I, too, was glad to have my family back. I was spending too much time walking back and forth to the refrigerator; boredom and a lack of companionship will do that.

Thanks for reading, liking and sharing,

Al and his faithful sidekick Ivy the wonder pup.

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