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A lofty goal, who could argue! This year, I resolve to advance the message, one day at a time, that our lives can be exceptional. Done! Ambiguous enough to give me a compelling reason to get out of bed each day yet it leaves ample space for repentance in the case of failure. Exceptional at what? I have just given myself permission to “turn pro” at eating ice cream or become more resourceful in avoiding exercise, in the theme of time management, allowing me to forego the need to buy new athletic shoes. No, I am not going to write about goal setting techniques or time management skills. Thought leaders on those subjects are plentiful – only a brave few speak on world domination, hypothetically speaking of course. That soapbox is wide open.

Before I begin, I need to weigh my other choices. One enticing option is to spend the better part of the year reviewing flat screens larger than 65” while test-driving the latest innovations in recliners. Something about that idea leaves me feeling a little empty, or full, depending on which need I am trying to satisfy.  Another option, one even less demanding, resort to putting on my favorite flannel loungewear and troll the big box retailers looking for bargains on even more flannel loungewear. Both appealing, but something a bit loftier might be in order.

I am looking forward to this year for the same reason I hope that you are, it is ours to seize and do with it as we will.

Before I do, there is one thing that I need to attach to almost every significant decision that I will meet and noteworthy project that I undertake this year. I want to be intentional about answering this one question before I invest time or treasure. Why? If I want to make something lofty such as world domination, hypothetically speaking of course, why am I spending so much energy on fantasy football, reality TV or even MSNBC? If we dig deep, we all have those things that we really want to carry out; some so closely held that we share only with a select few. It may be a BHAG or something far less reaching. Nonetheless, it is something that has been laid on our hearts or etched in our minds. These are meant for each of us and we all have them. I suspect that you can guess mine.

I need to be a father to my family, and a husband to my wife. I need to work, take care of my home and attend to other responsibilities. Those close to me would prefer that I not abandon matters of personal hygiene. Still, there are those sacred cows that each of us holds on to with all our might. Our sacred cows may be consuming not only our time; they may be draining us of our energy. Holding on to a shattered dream can suck the air out our sails more than chasing new ones. I know, I have been there. My narrow context is based on what I thought should be but now know will never be. Through it all, I came to realize something about sacred cows; some need to be slaughtered. In doing so they can take their rightful place – in the past. Even better, there is room on my plate between the garlic mashed potatoes and the side of California medley!

As I alluded to earlier, my resolution is to advance the message that our lives can be exceptional. My goal, world domination, hypothetically speaking, of course. My method, slaughtering sacred cows!

Any questions? I do too. We have all year to work through them. My lovely wife floated me a loan so I can renew my hosting fees for another year.

If you do have any, please [feedzy-rss feeds=”https;//” max=”12″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”12_hours” sort=”date_desc” meta=”yes” summary=”yes” ]send them to Ivy the wonder pup. She will get around to answering them as soon as she returns from her field trip to a farm. The reference to a cow threw her off. I need to cut her some slack; she’s lived in the suburbs most of her life.

Thanks for reading, liking and sharing.

Al and his faithful, but smelly, sidekick Ivy the wonder pup.

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